
tirsdag den 20. april 2010


I recently made 2 comics and they are both being published this may!
The first one is called "Montée Canadienne" and is for a Danish anthology called "Sprit". Its 7 pages, so will only show one here.
Actually I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to show this stuff before its out, so don't tell anyone(:

The other one is a book on its own, based on a old Icelandic folktale. Sorry its in Danish by the way. Can't wait for this to get out, and can't wait to make more comics!
I will even sit and sign these babies at the Danish Con this May.

Kill the Orcs, Slay the Orcs, Destroy the Orcs

Just random stuff really.
Will make a prober update on my 2 upcomming comics later


some mean-lookin, leotard-wearing street-broad

A bathing Danish girl from early 1900's


I'm always drawn like a kiwi, but this is how I actually look

And a more simple version for the facebook
